Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chicoine and Allen of the Green Dragon Kung Fu?

I remember, a friend was into that stuff in the late 1980s. I have read some stuff now and some people think their kung fu was a joke, that they stole forms from Chinese masters and then blew them up. Other people still think they were the best thing since sliced bread. Do you have any knowledge of them, and what do you of their material?

They did a very lucrative mail order business with VHS instructional tapes.|||Chicoine also made claims of being an "adopted son" of GM Chang Tung Sheng, which wasn't true. There is only ONE Adopted Son to GM Chang, and he is Master Frank DeMaria.

According to my teacher, who was an Assistant to GM Chang Tung Sheng in Taiwan when he was teaching the Police over there, they knew the movements of the forms they taught but their knowledge was on a very superficial level, because they learned many of the forms on their own, not under instructors.

Chinese MA's are not easily learned this way. There are too many intricacies that if left out, can expose a fraud. Not saying they are frauds.

What are they doing these days, by the way?|||I visited the Green Dragon Kung Fu studio in Stowe, Ohio near Kent State University. It is a class act. This style has a lot of impressive techniques, and you can tell that it is a descent of the original Chuan Fa from the Shaolin temple.

I don't believe in the word 'steal' when it comes to techniques. I prefer the word 'borrow.' For example, the English language borrowed heavily from the Old French of Britannia's Norman conquerors, so the Old French was not stolen, it was borrowed so that the Anglo-Saxon peasants could communicate with barrons and lords.

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